Progress is a Good Thing
1544 words today. It looks like my reworking of the outline yesterday paid off in a big way. I also decided not to cut back right now, but made extensive notes on what I wanted to change in the last couple scenes to make my new stuff work, then continued on from where I left off. As it turns out, the scenes I wrote today are ripe with conflict, set up some very cool stuff, and will make the coming death of a character all the more painful (emotionally). In other words, I'm once again excited about the story and where it's headed, and I actually enjoyed today's writing stint. Some unexpected things happened, and what I had planned for just one scene grew into two powerful scenes. Especially the second one. (Boy is my arm hurting from all this patting myself on the back.)
I broke the 400 page mark today. Almost there. If there aren't anymore snags and my new plan works, the rest of the book should start picking up speed now. With the way I have the numbers figured, I've got about 120 some pages left to go for this draft. And man am I going to celebrate when I've finished.
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