Literature Break
It was one of those days where I'd said I would take it off, but woke up this morning wanting to finish off that short story (it's so close to done). However, I did this and that and the other thing and ended up not writing after all. I'll finish the story tomorrow, and if I'm real good, maybe I can still to my revision of My Brother's Keeper and send that off sometime next week. Wow, something in the mail? That reminds me that I have to tweak my query for Crystal Past, find a new title for the book, and start sending it to publishers now. I'm also supposed to fit some exercise in there somewhere. Hey! Who's giggling? Oh. That was me. Ahem.
I'm just about done reading Bruce Holland Rogers' book Word Work. If you're writing, you should read this book. His perspective is fresh, his essays inspiring, and the way it's written, I feel like I had the guy over for dinner. You hear reviews like that all the time, claiming how the author's tone made you feel like they were right there, but this is the first time I ever felt that way. After reading his book I just want to hang out with the guy, ya know? And Eugene, Oregon sounds like a really neat place to live.
I'm also contemplating posting an old short story on Forward Motion for some crits. (This might be biting off more than I can chew.) It's a story I really like but got a few rejections; I want to know what's wrong with it. It's a SF story with a romantic theme and a sad but hopeful ending. I don't write much SF anymore, but I'd really like to see this piece find an audience. It's also one of the first pieces of fiction I wrote here in California when I was living down in Redondo. Maybe it's too sentimental. I dunno. I'll let you know what happens.
'Nuf said.